About DMEO
     EEO/EO Compliants
     Alternative Dispute Resolution
     Special Emphasis Programs
     Special Observances
     Elijah E. Cummings Act
     Reasonable Accommadation
     Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and

     Department of Defense


Pedro “Pete” Nieto
Director, Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity
Cell: (410) 508-5081
Office: (301) 222-6843

Kia Gunter
EEO Specialist



Reasonable Accommodation

DOD ASL Services

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)

DMA RA Packet

The following forms used in the Defense Media Activity Reasonable Accommodation Program are attached:

  • The Confirmation of Reasonable Accommodation Request form should be completed by the employee requesting the accommodation in order to provide pertinent information for record-keeping purposes.

  • The Medical Documentation Fact Sheet provides an overview of the medical information needed for hidden or non-obvious disabilities.

  • The Medical Inquiry form should be completed by your doctor/caregiver. This form provides a user friendly method of gathering the necessary information. The information provided should be as specific as possible. Should the Agency require review by a medical professional, you will be contacted by the person assigned to process your request.

DD Form 2946

  • The terms of this agreement must be read in conjunction with Department of Defense (DoD) telework policy, available on the DoD Issuances Web Site at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/ or on the Civilian Personnel Management Service Web Site at www.cpms.osd.mil and any additional guidance provided by the employing organization. Signatories certify they will abide by this agreement, DoD telework policy, and all supplemental terms established by the employing organization.

Telework RA Statement Template

  • Form - Request for Full-Time Telework as Reasonable Accommodation